Saturday 26 March 2011

Why the HS2 needs to be diverted to reach Heathrow from a very selfish perspective

Why I think it is time for a St Marys CE primary in the parish of South Ruislip

1) The Church of England is still the established chruch of teh whole United Kingdom under the federal legislature, hence the notion that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are devolved nations, rather than 'united kingdom states'
so as to aid ther conversion through peaceful persuasion of the whole isles back to the true chruch of Augustine and Canterbury.

2)There have been interdenominational initiatives recently and more housing is proposed on the old Express dairies site.

3) The Roman Catholics have a primary already and their ex students end up in better positions through serving the worldwide church and better language education; though prior to statutory regulation some of its funding was questionable owing to the way teh Cold War and global Christian chivalric orders worked prior to getting permenant observer status in the UN.

4)Since the end of the Cold War when that allegedly ended other faith primaries have been based on them and CofE primaries elsewhere in the Borough to allow the other faiths of teh Commonwealth to be taught.

5) In my opinion it should be on Field End Primary School as Deanesfield is next door to a state secondary school so could be more difficult to achieve and Bourne could be rebuilt over a Heathrow spur for HS2 in 15-20 years time or after it is constructed unless teh consultation now going on modifies teh route so it serves Heathrow in the first instance with Central Line branch from Northolt to the airport and underground stabling facilities for teh extra trains under the C and L country club and stations at Polish War Memorail (SW corner) Hayues End, and Stockley Park. Airport workers need to get to their jobs and a GLA and devolved English Parliamentary bond issue would deliver sustained investment to achieve this.

6) The Score group is evil and must be stopped by proper refferral to state education not teh use of under 18 students in any form of education (or outside of it as both are illegal under EU and UN law) for inappropriate modelling. The people to forward concerns to are teh Met Police Vice Squad and MI5 (not MIHigh) to instruct the staff intranet Hillingdon grid to stop it, and not become models themselves (mothers and teachers should be respected not used like the Trojan group does esp 30 and 40up)

7) I am sick to teh back teeth of other CofE parishes in Ruislip and the North of the borough getting prefferential treatment because they have church primaries which send students to the church secondary who choose to do so which gives them more students and worshippers over time. To stop the far right and curtail teh remnants of the far left from teh Krogers time it is time to aid points 1 and 2 and allow for sustainable housing for Anglicans from across teh world and especially New Zealand and Australia over a HS2 route to Heathrow on teh C and L country club site and on the Dairies Site. If necessary this would create the need for two parishes. Most of all I detest nonconformists who seek to perpetuate teh status quo to keep their non disabled children on the social which curtails suatainable housing development anmd the necessary supporting infrastructure

8) I will never give my life over to Jehova, the papacy or anything else as I wish to work as a non stipendiary minister on UK state disability benefits for the restoration of teh Anglican Chruch accross the whole of Britain and Ireland through peaceful and democratic means for the reign of King William V (who should succeed the throne of the UK over his father The Prince of Wales). I have reaffirmed my baptismal promises for myself and if necessary to remove the stigma of infantilism some orthodox tehologians can use will seek to be confirmed again, this time in the Diocesan Cathedral or St georges Chapel.

9) St Marys RC Primary doesn't have the monopoly of the name in the Borough of Hillingdon and its ex students can't run social services as they see fit.

I am 30 years old

Long live the One true Anglican Communion.

James Andrew Ware

Saturday 5 March 2011

In terms of the rail sector contracts and companies are regulated under Eu standard law and contract awarding procedures and publication which successfully restricts this and allows for rail lines to be designed by the UK and devolved governments and lobbied for and against according to teh rule of law and local democracy. However advice on which firm to invest in is the key decision, any company or advisor that fails to advise about this is a problem institution.

Why the Bank governor is rightWhen banks are too big to fail they are bailed out by the state and unsustainable investments continue as occurred in Soviet Russia. This is what did for the Uk economy in the late 1960s-70s with uncontrolled inflation when others in Western Europe were building their economic recoveries on the basis of sustained post war reconstruction.Hence proper regulation is required especially with credit. Froman economic intelligence perspective small states can set up companies, lawfully invest and use loans for a time and then collapse another economy using unregulated stock exchanges. Hence is there a need for an EU wide Companies House style regulation of Company directors?

This is needed to protect those who invest in their companies similarly to savers and to prevent the next recession wiping out the banking system. The method of that was credit card borrowing by said states faith and community individuals on the basis of recommendations from their groups and to undermine the way teh UK state operates. Hence lower credit card limits and mortgage borrowing as income percentages are needed to be kept in order to prevent inflation and allow for controlled economic advice bankruptcies.

Debt relief orders are needed to be kept for those who are elderly and disabled and on state benefits with better financial advice for them so as to stop them investing in bad business models or unsustainbly large big society projects that don't factor in the potential of a slower repayment of the bank bailout debts owing to the situation in North Africa and any humanitarian aid required to stop Gaddaffi starving his population. Hence any seized assets under the UN sanctions resolution should be spent on humanitarian aid now.