Thursday 3 November 2011

the problems with the inner london HS2 route

1) Its only single track in parts, could the tunnel be dual track to allow for future up gade or use by Overground services if in the future another route / Thameslink upgrade is used.

2) The direct route at Northolt / South Ruislip for a Heathrow spur will need a new waste transfer station built in South Harefield Ickenham first in order to ensure that there are no 'winter of discontent' scenes in west and North west london, is that allowed under section 106 planning in terms of future planning payments?

3) There is no provision as of yet for section 106 planning payments for a partial divert of the Central Line to Uxbridge and onto Heathrow at Ruislip Gardens using a remodelled Rusilip Gradens Depot track configuration and trains in tunnel after Ickenham to platforms under a park and ride orbital car park at hIllingdon station and then ontop Hayes End and Stockley Park, WEst Drayton and Heathrow.

4) Other rail links that could also help with this are St Albans tram train, Croxley Rail Link and a service from Chingford to Stratord regional station after the Olympics. All of which would deliver rail services from commuter suburbs to okaces of employment as they are opened rather than later on, which stabilises the economy and allows for sustainable economic growth.

Alternatives to HS2 stage 1

Reopening the Aylesbury Rugby Line for freight and dual tracking teh High Wycombe- Aylesbury line for freight and passenger trains, with gauge wide enough for subsequent upgrade to High Speed.

Similar fast passenger lines from Glasgow/Edinburgh in High Speed to Birmingham so that they meet half way

The problem with a scheme such as these two as they would take up an ever increasing and constant share of UK GDP for years longer than one High speed line built in stages with branches to Mid Wales and services to Holyhead and The East Coast ports for freight / produce.

If all of these are rejected then the danget is that instead a Toll Motorway is built on High Speed 2s route which is even more disruptive and will create a two speed manufacturing and industrial economy in Britain and hamper Irish economic growth.

Monday 4 July 2011

Mayor Of London queries route of HS2 on radio.

The Mayor of London has queried the HS2 stage 1 route saying that more of it should be in tunnel and that Euston could suiffer too much disruption if it is built as a stand alone terminus.

If thats the case could the other parts of the route from Glasgow and Edinburgh to the West Midlands be built first so that their is a more recent rail freight relief and use for frieght ports on the East Coast. However the West Caost Main Line from Rigby is already at capacity on its way south to Euston.

The public consultation is ongoing until July 29th.

Thursday 9 June 2011

is the HS2 heathrow spur the right route?

One problem with the current HS2 design is that the later stage Heathrow spur may have to cross asbestos deposits f those fields with it near Yiewsley reach further west than the ones already exploited in Cowley for the building of post war prefab housing and some forms of brick mortar before that. As such it is a construction challenge and one for the engineeers.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

If A stock is unfeasible for HS2 building relief work

If the A stock is unadaptable to 3 rail current collection. then either teh 4 rail format could be put back to Watford Junction and South Hampstead from its Harrow and Wealdstone- Kilburn High Road limits or the outgoing Circle Line C stock or District Line D Stock could run in 4 carriage format. The D stock is the most recent and therefore its with longer carriages might have sapce for current shoes and wheel adaptation. Plus its been driven on one of the most multicultural staffed tube lines, including many Irish, as was noted by the last London Mayor.

It could therefore be a way in tough economic times and as an act of reconciliation between the islands for HS2 construction to occur with minimum disruption which would aid regional regeneration and manufacturing in South Wales, Scotland and Northern England. The choice of which trains to recycle like this is in the hands of teh TfL board chaired by the present Mayor of London.

Sunday 15 May 2011

If i were writing the 2012 GLA manifesto for anybody, this would be it

Transport manifesto for the GLA and London Mayorality 2012

1) Continue with the building of Crossrail with extra branches to Tring and St Albans Thameslink via links from Old Oak Common Interchange station for HS2 (building to begin of that sooner than 2018 opening of Crossrail so as to minimise disruption to Great Western Line and allow for better services when Euston is rebuilt for HS2.
2) Also build Croxley Rail Link if Dft and Transport and Works Approved after public consultation.
3) Prepare Airtrack construction and consultation with Transport and Works Act and depot in Feltham
4) Diesel Tram train or Class 172 Diesel train service West Ealing to Greenford, with possible extension to new platform at West Ruislip via Central line during peak hours, with future extension via Chiltern line to Gerrards cross and south Harefield station as section 106 for High Speed Two.
5) Support the rest of the Network Rail SE Rail study and Greengague 21 proposals for HS2 (particulary rail service to Derby and Sheffield on High Speed 2 and link line in West Midlands to Birmingham-Derby line.
6) Possible use of Metropolitan Line A Stock on Watford Junction- South Hampstead to augment LO rolling stock and allow some of it to be used on Barking- Gospel Oak electrified service to run on to Stonebridge Park and be stabled there.
7) Balham loop for London Overground to use some more rolling stock.
8) Chingford- Stratford service for London Overground after the Olympics to allow commuting to the new office blocks from day 1.
9) Adapt HST slam door carriages to driver operated automatic doors as on similar Irish, Australian, New Zealand and Chiltern Railway rolling stock.

Saturday 14 May 2011

What to do with teh HSTs

The HST 125 Intercity rolling stock that runs at present on the Great Western and Midland Mainlines ( and the East Coast), have Mark 3 carraiges. These are in an unadapted manual door opening state at present. However The Chiltern and Wrexham and Shropshire rail services have developed an adapted format for these carriages that could be implemented. With new locomotives these could run to SW England, Swansea / Carmarthen & Lampeter, Hereford and Worcester services from Paddington, Midland Mainline services and on the Oxford - Marylebone services once Evergreen 3 is built. Then when IEPs (the new trains) are built and enter service they could be further cascaded elsewhere. This was advocated in teh letters pages of Rail magazine.

The West Coast reasons for HS2

The West Coast Main Line has been upgraded as far as it can be. It carries freight trains and 125-140 mph express trains on its fast lines and freight and stopping services on its slow lines. If HS2 is built there will be less express trains using the Euston - Birmingham section allowing for more frieght to run onto the Channel tunnel and a better commuter setvice, Plus reopening of the Bletchley- Oxford Line so that Milton Keynes commuters can reach Oxford and Cambridge (scheduled for opening in 2031) has also been proposed.

Some of these trains can run via an upgraded link to the North London Line and Old Oak common and onto Crossrail as Green gauge 21 have advocated.

Greengauge 21 advoate HS2 to Sheffield and Derby

This may sound like the consolation prize to the Lib Dems in Sheffield who lost control of the city council last week, but your party leader might yet retain his seat at the next election.

The independently and government commissioned think tank Greengauge 21 has advocated in Rail magazine that where HS2 has a birmingham rail link, there should also be a link to the East onto the line o Derby to allow through running to there and Sheffield. It advocates this rail link as a way to cut journey times to London by 30 minutes and relieve capacity on The Midland Mian line for freight to the North Sea ports in East Anglia and Thanmeslink upgrade services. Further at present the St Pancras UK rail service platforms are soon to reach capacity.

Also advocated for similar reasons is the diversion of slow (London Midland) Euston- Birmingham (or perhaps the traisn that only run as far out as Milton Keynes, Tring and Watford) onto a link to serve Old Oak Common Interchange station and then Crossrail (subject to funding). That way capacity would be created at Euston station for HS2 rebuild and expansion of the station after Crossrail has opened in 2018. This is in Network Rails latest strategy document for the South East according to the article in Rail magazine. It would mean that the trains that werre going to run from Abbey Wood and terminate at Paddington on Crossrail would have a further destination, thus increasing Crossrails business case).

In the meantime there is the London Underground Metropolitan line A stock. If it is signalling compatible and adapting it for three rail running is not cost prohibitive or a health and safety risk, then it could run on Watford Junction - Kilburn High Road / South Hampstead slow services while Euston is being rebuilt. The risk with that is that it could interfere with the AC power lines as their capacity has been upgraded since that was designed.

If this were overcome then the new London Overground rail stock could run from Willesden Junction to Stratford and be reallocated temporarilly onto the Balham loop proposed service to upgrade the East London Line stage II line to Clapham Junction. Or if not then the A stock could always be adapted to run on the Balham Loop itself.

Friday 1 April 2011

In hillingdon the Chiltern Line has had capacity enhancements (a new track to allow fatser running of through trains to Banbury and ultimately Oxford as part of a private sector investment called Evergreen 3).

This is regardless of teh HS2 proposal for most of its route and has space for upgrade and reversing siding between Field End Road and Northolt park station for Rubbish trains so as to keep the waste transfer facility open.

It has been done on time and on budget as I understand it so as to deliver a sustainable upgrade and allow teh slow line round teh south of the waste transer facility (colloquially refferred to as the dump) to link into any London Overground Paddington or Clapham Junction to Denham service via South Greenford)

The Central Line could be diverted after Northolt in tunnel to Heathrow in tunnel via Hayes End and Stckely Park as well as the Heathrow Spur proposed for HS2. Then the South Ruislip to West Ruislip Central Line stretch could be used by Overground and the Ruislip Gardens Depot upgraded and rebuilt to take 'main line / sub surface' stock sized trains. Interchange for teh City and Docklands could be at Old Oak Common for Crossrail as well as the Central Line in Northolt.

A new Depot for tehCentral Line could be under housing development (similar to the White City westfield siding replacements built in the last decade). thsi housing could be dedicated to evacuees from Commonwealth Islands and returning armed forces personnel as well as to maintain the local economy employment base).

If Air capacity to the East of Greater London is upgraded with a Thames Estuary airport and expansion of Stanstead or Southend then RAF Northolt (the diplomatic airport by the A40) could also be sold for housing and Heathrow be used in part as its replacement. Then HS2 trains from Birmingham could use the proposed Ruislip depot track spur and run SOuth Beind teh housing of teh Ruisllip Gardens Estate under RAF Northolt to join the spur if the minor ROyalns living in Bucks and Berks object successfully through the planning process to the Parliamentary proposal of the Governments DFt for the new Misbourne Line under the M25 to a terminal between Iver and West Drayton.

This requires a GLA and dedicated English Parliament transport review and is why there needs to be a devolved English Parliament with statutory powers to raise 'on the books' finance by government bond issues and income tax variance (the latter already done by Edinburgh, the former by US cities such as Boston and New York). It could bring about sustained economic recovery and the restoration of the health of both public and private pension schemes.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Why the HS2 needs to be diverted to reach Heathrow from a very selfish perspective

Why I think it is time for a St Marys CE primary in the parish of South Ruislip

1) The Church of England is still the established chruch of teh whole United Kingdom under the federal legislature, hence the notion that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are devolved nations, rather than 'united kingdom states'
so as to aid ther conversion through peaceful persuasion of the whole isles back to the true chruch of Augustine and Canterbury.

2)There have been interdenominational initiatives recently and more housing is proposed on the old Express dairies site.

3) The Roman Catholics have a primary already and their ex students end up in better positions through serving the worldwide church and better language education; though prior to statutory regulation some of its funding was questionable owing to the way teh Cold War and global Christian chivalric orders worked prior to getting permenant observer status in the UN.

4)Since the end of the Cold War when that allegedly ended other faith primaries have been based on them and CofE primaries elsewhere in the Borough to allow the other faiths of teh Commonwealth to be taught.

5) In my opinion it should be on Field End Primary School as Deanesfield is next door to a state secondary school so could be more difficult to achieve and Bourne could be rebuilt over a Heathrow spur for HS2 in 15-20 years time or after it is constructed unless teh consultation now going on modifies teh route so it serves Heathrow in the first instance with Central Line branch from Northolt to the airport and underground stabling facilities for teh extra trains under the C and L country club and stations at Polish War Memorail (SW corner) Hayues End, and Stockley Park. Airport workers need to get to their jobs and a GLA and devolved English Parliamentary bond issue would deliver sustained investment to achieve this.

6) The Score group is evil and must be stopped by proper refferral to state education not teh use of under 18 students in any form of education (or outside of it as both are illegal under EU and UN law) for inappropriate modelling. The people to forward concerns to are teh Met Police Vice Squad and MI5 (not MIHigh) to instruct the staff intranet Hillingdon grid to stop it, and not become models themselves (mothers and teachers should be respected not used like the Trojan group does esp 30 and 40up)

7) I am sick to teh back teeth of other CofE parishes in Ruislip and the North of the borough getting prefferential treatment because they have church primaries which send students to the church secondary who choose to do so which gives them more students and worshippers over time. To stop the far right and curtail teh remnants of the far left from teh Krogers time it is time to aid points 1 and 2 and allow for sustainable housing for Anglicans from across teh world and especially New Zealand and Australia over a HS2 route to Heathrow on teh C and L country club site and on the Dairies Site. If necessary this would create the need for two parishes. Most of all I detest nonconformists who seek to perpetuate teh status quo to keep their non disabled children on the social which curtails suatainable housing development anmd the necessary supporting infrastructure

8) I will never give my life over to Jehova, the papacy or anything else as I wish to work as a non stipendiary minister on UK state disability benefits for the restoration of teh Anglican Chruch accross the whole of Britain and Ireland through peaceful and democratic means for the reign of King William V (who should succeed the throne of the UK over his father The Prince of Wales). I have reaffirmed my baptismal promises for myself and if necessary to remove the stigma of infantilism some orthodox tehologians can use will seek to be confirmed again, this time in the Diocesan Cathedral or St georges Chapel.

9) St Marys RC Primary doesn't have the monopoly of the name in the Borough of Hillingdon and its ex students can't run social services as they see fit.

I am 30 years old

Long live the One true Anglican Communion.

James Andrew Ware

Saturday 5 March 2011

In terms of the rail sector contracts and companies are regulated under Eu standard law and contract awarding procedures and publication which successfully restricts this and allows for rail lines to be designed by the UK and devolved governments and lobbied for and against according to teh rule of law and local democracy. However advice on which firm to invest in is the key decision, any company or advisor that fails to advise about this is a problem institution.

Why the Bank governor is rightWhen banks are too big to fail they are bailed out by the state and unsustainable investments continue as occurred in Soviet Russia. This is what did for the Uk economy in the late 1960s-70s with uncontrolled inflation when others in Western Europe were building their economic recoveries on the basis of sustained post war reconstruction.Hence proper regulation is required especially with credit. Froman economic intelligence perspective small states can set up companies, lawfully invest and use loans for a time and then collapse another economy using unregulated stock exchanges. Hence is there a need for an EU wide Companies House style regulation of Company directors?

This is needed to protect those who invest in their companies similarly to savers and to prevent the next recession wiping out the banking system. The method of that was credit card borrowing by said states faith and community individuals on the basis of recommendations from their groups and to undermine the way teh UK state operates. Hence lower credit card limits and mortgage borrowing as income percentages are needed to be kept in order to prevent inflation and allow for controlled economic advice bankruptcies.

Debt relief orders are needed to be kept for those who are elderly and disabled and on state benefits with better financial advice for them so as to stop them investing in bad business models or unsustainbly large big society projects that don't factor in the potential of a slower repayment of the bank bailout debts owing to the situation in North Africa and any humanitarian aid required to stop Gaddaffi starving his population. Hence any seized assets under the UN sanctions resolution should be spent on humanitarian aid now.

Sunday 27 February 2011

How to invest in HSR

If you are a single person, a Uk family or one where your relatives are over more than one country and do not want the risks of fluctuating global investments affected I would suggest that you contact Rail future and passenger focus in the UK and HS2 and HS1 companies who can advise about the best procedures to invest and how to transfer lawfully accquired funds for lawful investment and return. The Cabinet Office in the UK is currently recruiting for someone to draw up the funding mechanisms for Transport and Bond Issues on the Stock exchange by deveolved leglislatures in the UK is in my mind the best option as it protects those building and operating them in employment under employment law and arbitration under company law at Companies House and other relevant law.

Queries about the Route

The UK Government reviewed with computer graphics and design modelling and sureveying more than one route and was able to produce and publish the final one for consultation. NO2High SpeedRail say do not query this route as it has been done according to Parliamentary procedures. However In Scotland. London, Northern Ireland and Wales devolved governance with financial variation powers in Scotland (income tax) were able to deliver investment that was sustainable.

There is thus a need for an English deveolved Parliament to do the same for HS2.

If I can give the example of the route through Hillingdon and Ealing where it is proposed to run on an Embankment to go over the Canals in Harefield and Northolt and ensure track gradients required for high Speed Running through the Chilterns at a direct route to keep costs down, could it be ammended to run in tunnel under the Chiltern Line from before the West Waste Transfer station so that there can be a London Overground Denham to Paddington / Clapham Junction Service via Greenford above it to allow for Housing developments fro returning armed services families, those from Inner London Boroughs with families and those Commonwealth states recently affected by natural disasters such as Australia and New Zealand. I have written on thsi previously.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

the case for the first stage

The rail line between Euston and Birmingham is nearly at passenger capacity

If the UK economy is to revive in terms of manufacturing more frieght trains between London and the North are needed

Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire have other rail links and housing (low density) being prepared, specifcallY Evergreen link into Oxford and Water Eaton Parkway.

The G Western Main line will have extra trains from Crossrail so a new line is needed

there needs to be a link to HS1

The purpose of this blog

To advocate the construction of HS2 as part of a full high speed rail network in the UK and highlight any problems in the scheme notably in the design of the Birmingham terminus if it doesn't allow for a western extension into Wales when economic circumstances allow and after the improvements to the Newport and Bangor domestic rail networks approved by teh Welsh assembly. It will set out how the route was determined and how the public planning process and transport and works act occur.